About me


Openings: I will join Michigan State University in Fall2024. I am currently looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students starting from 2025Spring/Fall (opportuniy description, Application instruction). If you are interested in working with me, feel free to send me your CV to liuruofe@msu.edu.

About me

  • Dr. Ruofeng Liu is an assistant professor at Michigan State University. I was a research scientist at Bosch Research from 2022 to 2024. I graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, advised by Dr. Tian He.

Research Interests

  • Wireless Sensing (mmWave, UWB, acoustic)
  • Cross-Technology Communication
  • Multi-modal Machine Learning
  • Network Performance Measurement

Recent News

Apr 2024. One paper accepted at IJCAI 2024.
Sep 2023. Our work on egocentric human pose estimation using mmWave radar headset is accepted in Sensys 2023 paper.
Feb 2023. Our mmWave human parsing work is accepted in Ubicomp 2023. The paper is available online.
Jan 2023. Our Wi-Fi 6 measurement paper is accepted in SIGMETRICS 2023. The paper is available at ACM and [PDF]. The data and code are open source at [Data/Code].
July 2022. Three wireless sensing works got accepted. One accepted in UbiComp 2022 and two accepted in SECON 2022.
Jan 2021. Our paper “WiBeacon” was accepted to MobiCom 2021. WiBeacon is the first cross-technology design that acheives service-level compatibility at both WiFi and Bluetooth. The software for making WiFi AP iBeacon-compatible is available here.


  • PC member: icpads 2021, 2022
  • Reviewer: IMWUT, ICC’21, SECON’22, TMC, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Access, JPDC


428 S Shaw Ln, East Lansing, MI 48824